Sunday, December 5, 2010

Did you say teenager?!?

Today, I woke up to a message from my daughter’s… sister! That’s an odd statement! What does this make her to me? Seems logical that she would also be my daughter – but she isn’t. She feels more like a little sister. I’m pretty sure she would like that, so for now, that is what I will call her… my “Russian Sister.”

She wrote… “Shannon! Я поздравляю Вас с рождением ребенка!)))))))”
Which means... “Shannon! I congratulate you on a birth of the child!)))))))”

What exactly were Chad and I doing 13 years ago? Friday, December 5, 1997. We would have been dating just over a year, and finishing up finals in our freshmen year of college. That would be the first time (and the last) I got a C in a class. Chad was an hour away at school. We were young and foolish!

Little did I know, that a beautiful baby girl was being born on the other side of the world. A cute little stinker from the pictures my “Russian Sister” has shared with me! I can’t wait for the day that I can share those precious pictures with you, my friends!

I can barely think the thought without the verse naturally flooding my mind…

“What no eye has seen,
what no ear has heard,
and what no human mind has conceived
- the things God has prepared for those who love him.”
1Corinthians 2:9

My little 19 year old self had no idea what plans God had in store for our lives, but I know one thing for sure. He knew.

Thirteen years ago, on the other side of the ocean, my brown-eyed daughter was being born to a mother that wouldn’t have enough time with her. And all these years later, I am honored and humbled that that precious baby girl would purposefully choose us to walk by her side, to guide her through her teenage years and adore her through adulthood. What a journey it will be!

I have no doubt, thirteen years from now, I will laugh at my innocence… cry over memories... and whisper a prayer of love and thanks to her birth mother. The mother I won’t meet on this side of Heaven, but love anyways. And always… I will trust in His plan and praise His Holy Name.

1 comment:

  1. All the thoughts an emotions that I have about this journey are certainly so small compared to what all you are feeling. Bless your sweet heart, sister. Thanks for sharing with us. We're all learning the power and strength we can have with God. Love you...
