Saturday, April 2, 2011

Catching Fish In A Mailbox

I’ve never been called a fisher-women.  I don’t like worms, fish, or smelly things, and as I’ve mentioned before, my patience level isn’t very high.  I think that title probably belongs to men anyways.  

So, naturally… one of the evening events this past July with the Russian tour was spent putting creepy, wiggly, smelly, brown worms on some hooks and throwing them into the family’s pond… and waiting.  Then, after we did that for a few hours, they suggested we eat!  With the same fingers that had just minutes earlier held the creepy, wiggly, smelly, brown worms!  Really?!?

That night was not my favorite! 

So, naturally… it was our little girl’s!  She screamed and wrinkled up her body every time someone put a worm on the hook for her (thank you Pop Pop).  She swung that pole over her head, and about half the time, she remembered to release the hook out into the pond.

Once it was out there, she waited.  Patiently and full of hope.  In her mind, she knew that some innocent fish would bite that creepy worm and she would be rewarded for her patience.  
We have officially been apart for five weeks!  FIVE!!! 

While we were in St. Petersburg, our process took off and we completed a lot of official paperwork and did all that we could do at that time.  Since then, we have waited for a little, bitty letter to arrive from Moscow.  Once the letter arrives, we can file for a court date and order ourselves some plane tickets. 

That letter usually comes… about two weeks ago.

Today, it was a beautiful spring day in Colorado, and if I thought walking myself down to the closest pond would help.  I would dig in the dirt with my own fingers until I came across a creepy, wiggly, smelly, brown worm.  I wouldn’t even call my dad to put it on a hook.  I would bate that little thing and throw it into the pond, muster up every ounce of patience I have, and wait for my reward. 

My little lady caught her first fish that night.  I pray I catch mine… in a mailbox on Monday morning!