Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Ice Cream in the Artic

"Is it too cold for ice cream?"

The great thing about the way our trips are organized is that everyday allowed us time to take our little girl out for a date.  We would have been fine with just sitting with her at the orphanage, but she was anxiously waiting for us after school each day and had no intentions on staying in the home.

The city was at her fingertips, and each day we presented her with ideas we had gathered from the tourist book in our hotel.  She thoughtfully considered all her options, and then told us and the driver, “To the airport!”  Our baby girl just wants to go home!

Knowing that I’d be sent to jail for any attempt of just taking her now, we convinced her to stay in St. Petersburg and treasure every second together… hand in hand.  On Tuesday, we laced up some ice skates and ungracefully glided across the ice.  We laughed so hard as we took turns pushing each other backwards and spinning each other around in circles.  Then, of course we ended our time together with ice cream… I mean it was only -9 outside!

“Can I dance here?”

Wednesday we had her to ourselves for the entire day!  There is nothing quite like the Hermitage Museum, which is housed in the Winter Palace.  The palace is like several White Houses placed side by side and painted just beautifully.  Just looking at it takes your breath away.  We assumed it would be too common for her, but she was in awe of the chance to visit because she hasn’t been since she was 9 years old.  She asked to start with the Egyptian artifacts because she had just studied Egypt in school.  She had the translator tell her every little detail and she nodded along excitedly. 

Art pieces by Monet, Da Vinci, Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Michelangelo… all impressive.  But… when your little girl stands in the main ballroom of the Royal family and slowly spins in a circle… time freezes and the music comes alive.  She is my Russian princess, and I couldn’t take my eyes off of her.  She smiles at me, grabs my hand and my heart dissolves.       

"Can I have some soup?"

The children know that they will be asked if they had soup while they were out.  She can proudly say yes, and much, much more.  Our coordinator had taken us to a little restaurant that makes the greatest soups and pies, and we knew we should take her there.  She ate twice as much as I did and savored every bite!  The best part of each meal was that she would come alive with chatter while we sat around the table.  She asked so many questions and told us a lot about herself.  I can’t wait for the day that we can just talk straight to each other… because that little girl can talk!

“Now to the airport?”

After lunch, she tried again to get the driver to go to the airport.  He just laughed with her and said he would get in trouble!  So, instead, we visited the original island of St. Petersburg and went inside the St. Peter and Paul Cathedral.  It was so majestic!  The most detailed carvings and all covered with a thin layer of gold.  Again, she hungered for the history.  She wanted to know about each historical detail and royal burial.  We have a smart little girl, and it fills me with joy to know that she loves history too!

And also, just like her mama, she loves her chocolate!  We had some time left before we were expected back at the orphanage, and she didn’t want to go back until she absolutely had to, so we hit the town for the famous Russian Pilini.  I ordered mine with chocolate and bananas, so did she, with a smile beaming across her face!  Normal people fill it with meat, pork, potatoes… but not us!

As we inhaled our treats, she took the opportunity to ask us about how we celebrate the holidays in our family.  Her eye lit up at the thought of presents from two sets of grandparents and aunts and uncles.  We told her, that we read two different stories on Christmas Eve and then cuddle together in our bed… 2 adults + 3 kids + 2 dogs… this year will be interesting!  She loved the idea and can’t wait to be a part of it!

“My Russian Sister”

Months ago, her sister “friended” me on Facebook.  What started out timidly quickly grew into two loving people, sharing the same hopes for a little girl they both care about.

Her sister has shared their entire family history, pictures of our daughter as a baby, a toddler, and all the stages up to now.  She tells me the funny things, like how she refuses to wear a coat in the winter, how she is a stubborn child, how smart she is and can do anything she attempts to do.  She has taught me about my daughter’s past, and I am forever grateful. 

She sent me her phone number, and while we were there, our coordinator arranged a lunch date for us to meet.  We walked into the small cafĂ© and noticed a tiny, little thing sitting by herself in the corner.  She looked scared.  I walked over to her, varified it was her, she nodded and stood, and we quickly hugged.  Her tiny body felt tiny in my arms and our hearts raced with an overload of emotions.  That’s all it took before the tears filled our eyes.  As she looked deeply into my eyes, I could see every emotion she was feeling.

We both had dozens of questions for each other, and to say we were grateful for our translator is an understatement.  She’s young, very young, and has two children of her own.  She works hard and is very talented.  But, the burden of taking in a teenager is just too much.  I can see that it breaks her heart, but she assures me that she knows a family is what is best for her sister.  She loved hearing about our families and our kids, and we’ve agreed to meet her kids on our third trip.  Then, after two hours of constant chatter, the fear was out of her eyes and a smile spread across her face.  I think it's hard for others to understand my need to know this girl, but her happiness means the world to me.  She is part of my family now.  I plan to visit her and share many wonderful years together... as sisters.

We drove her home and held on to each other the whole way.  Finally, my curiosity got the best of me and I had to know how good I would look in her beautiful Russian hat!  We got silly and took some pictures together as we giggled like sisters!  Priceless! 

“Funny Faces and a Little Surprise”

“To the airport!” she tried again on Thursday!  We compromised with bowling and ice cream.  I remembered how much she liked taking pictures with my camera when she was out in July, so as we took turns bowling, we took turns with the camera.  There were more pictures of my backside that had to be deleted then there should ever be!  After every roll of the ball, we knew we had to turn around and strike a pose or make a face because that camera would be flashing at us!  She was so playful and silly the whole time.

Later, while once again inhaling ice cream in subzero temperatures, I turned the camera to play and asked her if she would like to see a surprise.  She nodded.  I clicked to one of pictures of her sister and I, turned the camera to her, and watched her face closely.  How would she react?  Her eyes widened and she smiled!  “When, how, where???”  She couldn’t believe that we met, but you could tell it pleased her!  I explained everything to our translator and she told her about our lunch date.  I spared no details.  I wanted her to know that protecting their relationship is very important to us.  That made her happy, too!
Before long, it was time to take her back and say our goodbyes.  She cried her own tears as she wiped away mine.  She told me, “It’s ok.  It’s ok.”  And it will be.  We knew we wouldn’t get to see her on Friday, and then we’d be headed home… which is where we are now, as I write… somewhere up in the air past Ohio, on our way home! 

As long as I write, I can smile and imagine each second replaying through my words.  Each time I talk about her, my heart skips with love, excitement and joy.  Leaving the St. Petersburg airport was the worst feeling I’ve ever felt, my heart felt broken, my lungs felt crushed, and my mind raced.  But now, I can look forward, knowing that there is nothing to do but trust in God’s perfect timing.  And soon (hopefully in 6 weeks)... I will see that precious little face again!

Monday, March 7, 2011

From Lukas... Anything to avoid bedtime!

Dear America,
Hi, I’m Lukas and I’m Shannon’s son.  Yes of course this is about my sister. Oh… she is very nice and I just love how she plays soccer and in Russia, Americano football! One thing I’m excited for is that she can help me pick on my other sister Ashley. She also very fun to play with!!!!! As I think you see, I love sports, and I love that there actually  is a family member (other than Dad) that might actually beat me. :( But hey the world is not sports so there has to be more! Correct there is more! So here! She is very playful, so Ashley and I can play games with her! Also she’s very understanding.  Once more, another good thing! SHE’S KIND! She’s very nice to other people!

Wow! There’s a ton of things that are good but I must have to go on! So now I’m going to write about the great memories I had with her over that week she was here! Well here’s one good thing that happened over that week!

Earlier that week we had to miss smores with the group, so one night we went outside around 9:00 and while we were waiting for our smores to cook I grab a soccer ball and started kicking it at the shed and she said “Pass”, so of course I passed it to here and we went back and forth passing and trying to see who could get by each other first! I don’t remember who won but it was still so much fun!

Another thing happened that night and it was when we were supposed to be going to bed and instead we hopped in mom and dad’s bed and wrestled to stay and their bed. But sadly dad carried us out of his bed.

There were a ton of great things about her and great memories but now I have to go to bed. So I guess this is bye.

Bye America,

Friday, March 4, 2011

The Humbled Plea

I’m taking a deep breath and asking for God’s blessing as I begin to write this entry.  It’s very hard for me because I deeply want to set a good example of following the call of God and accepting and understanding the adoption process.

Every part of my being, believes that everyone is called to care for the widows and orphans...

“Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God means caring for the orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.” (James 1:27)

... but certainly, not every person is called to adopt an orphan.  We were.

If you’ve read any part of my blog then you surely know just how deeply we love this little girl.  We will do anything for her.  But, we can’t do this alone. 

When we first started talking about adopting her, a friend said it would cost about $15,000.  My mind shut down there, and I tried to convince myself to walk away from this adoption.  At the time, that was more than I made in a year.  There was no way this could go any farther.

Then, we put that little stinker on the plane after our fairytale week together, and I didn’t care if it cost me every penny that I would make for the rest of my life.  That little child was not going to go through life hungry for a family of her own.  Money was irrelevant.  SHE was all that mattered. 

Now, seven months later, our savings have run out and we are applying for grants.  So far, we haven’t received anything, but we are being patient and prayerful that our hearts will be heard by the right organization, and they will help lift this financial burden.  The amount of $15,000 was just a fraction of what it would actually end up costing.  The final number we are looking at is $35,000.  In some odd way, it’s less intimidating because it’s just so unimaginable to us.  But the bottom line hasn’t changed.  Whatever it takes to get her home!

My plea to you, is to join us in “caring for the orphan.”  You don’t have to adopt a child of your own (yet), but will you come along side a family that is doing what God has asked them to do?  Are you willing to talk to your spouse, or your mom and dad, or your friends… and become part of our story?  I know how many of you read this silly blog… I know because I feel it in your prayers.  I know because I see it in your eyes when you ask about our latest news.  I know you read because you are precious friends that care about our growing family.

Tonight, I humbly ask you to be part of our journey.  Your prayers are our first and most important need, and any financial help you can provide would be appreciated more than words can say.  We have added a PayPal button to the blog to make it convenient, but you can always swing by the house and be forced to look at the thick pile of pictures from our first trip, if you prefer! 

Your friendship, your encouragement, and your love have meant the world to us… thank you for standing by our side through every step of this adventure!  We will continue to share little glimpses of our story as it unfolds.       

Much love,

Shannon (and Chad too)